Ok let's give this a try...
I cetainly did not leave my wonderful husband home on Saturday night with 2 sick kids while I went out to dinner with three other couples...that would be selfish and inconsiderate right?
I also did not sit at our kitchen counter while my children napped for 1 1/2 hours and blog stalked (is that a real phrase) instead of cleaning up our house, since we had 15 people coming over that evening for dinner. That would be completely irresponsible and unproductive.
Last night when my darling 2 year old "accidentally" did a small #2 in the our bathtub I certainly did not just let the water out, scoop it out with some t.p. and then decide, "oh the hot water from my shower will clean it out tomorrow morning" instead of actually using some cleanser to clean the tub...that would be totally lazy and gross and I am never lazy or gross!
And finally, I certainly did not analyze my entire week this morning while getting ready for work thinking, "Would that be good for Not Me Monday...or...would that be funny for Not Me Monday"...because who really has time to dwell on that kind of thing when there are plenty of more important things think about...cetainly NOT ME!!!
Too check out more Not Me confessions, head on over to McMama's blog, I know I certainly do not check in on her Charming Kids multiple times a day!
Welcome to the Not Me's. Yours are great!!!!
You did great as a 1st time Not me'r. If THAT is even a word!! :0)
I couldn't edit my previous post, so I just scrapped it and will start over. *Sigh*
I'm so glad to see you've joing the Not Me's. You did a great job and I hope you continue with them. I've done some of those things!
What I forgot to add previously, is that your kids are so cute!!!!!
HAAAAAAAAAAA!! OMG I love it! I've totally blog stalked too and then looked up and realized I haven't done ANYTHING! LOL
I've done these things too.
Welcome to NotMeMonday! It's nice to "meet" you. :)
I welcome you too! :)
This is the only kind of stalking I do, I have however heard the term "lurking" also, not that I do that...(ps, it is nap time and a great time to clean bathrooms, too bad I'm too busy going down the list of Not Me's!) ;)
1st timer as well...nice to meet you.
Great Not Mes. Your little guy has such sweet cheeks (although I am pretty partial to my own Monkey's)
a big fat welcome to not me monday!! you have a very sweet blog...and precious peas too! super cute!
I've never done those sort of things either. What kind of mother would we be?! Welcome to Not me! Monday's I love your post:)
Hooray! Another Not Me! convert!! Welcome :-)
It is not blog stalking- rather visiting! At least I tell myself that!
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